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Meet Your Councillors!

Sarah Hulbert

Mayor Sara Hulbert

Mayor and Chair (RWG)

Telephone: 07921 075134


Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)
Specific Roles:
Quarterly Internal Checks

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Cliffords Mesne Village Hall Committee, Councillor Advocacy Scheme (OPCC), Newent Fun Day, Newnet Initiative Trust

As the new chair to newent town council I wanted to take this great opportunity to share what we have done and what we hope to do.

As with all new things there is often change, on this occasion there has been many changes all at once. As a council newent said goodbye to the previous town clerk at the end of April, we also had an election on the 4th of may, which saw 6, all incredibly experienced, councillors not stand for reelection. However 4 experienced councillors did stand for reelection and myself and one other stood as new candidates. As a current council of 6 with a new town clerk we have found ourselves in an exciting position, with fresh eyes, and renewed enthusiasm.

As a new council we have already strongly objected to a large development on the outskirts of newent town itself and have requested a meeting with the town planner and strategic planner to ensure we have knowledge of how we strategically object in the future.

The newent recreation ground trust have continued with the project of the community pavilion on the recreation ground, the build has been incredibly fast paced, and the trust wish to thank the architects and builders for the smooth running of the project, the trust are now looking to set up a user or bookings group to set up the future calendar of the community pavilion. If you or a group you know might be Interested in using the pavilion once completed please contact the newent town council office.

I have also attended a walk around the Haygrove Ell brook community gardens project. This wild meadow has the potential to be a wonderful addition to our community, for groups to enjoy and I encourage you to follow their progress on fb.

On the 19th of June we also invited representatives from the newent branch of the British legion and retired group captain Anny Reid to attend our armed forces flag raising in the town. It was only a small event but the first of its kind for our town for a few years and one we hope to add to our calendar in the future.

Our estates team have recently managed to secure in place two more of the ornate wood carvings around the lake, which a are a lovely asset to that area. The flower displays in the town have also had a seasonal refresh, the colour scheme, decided earlier in the year, of red white and blue is very fitting in the year of the kings coronation. The plants were also chosen carefully to withstand our increasingly dry summers. I wish to say a huge thank you to the hard working estates team, who often don’t get the credit they deserve.

We hope very soon to have more new councillors which will allow us to continue with the committees, enabling us to build on the previous councils great foundations. We hope that through our committees we can welcome more of the community to work with the council, through working groups, using the great knowledge our community have and utilising individuals expertise and passion. We hope together we can build on some of the projects the previous council gifted us, and initiate our own.

I hope to share more plans with you all as time goes on.

Gill Mosley

Cllr Mrs Gill Moseley

Chair (P&E)

Telephone: 01531 820826


Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Forest Economic Partnership
Born in Leicester, I moved to Newent in 1995 continuing a career in music education. Challenging projects have been a feature of my life including the restoration of a derelict Victorian house in Hackney, where I became a Liberal Democrat Councillor. Another has been as a volunteer for the Macular Society at local and national level, helping those with central vision loss. Working in Hreford and Gloucester left little time for getting to know local people, but that all changed on retirement. I became manager of the multi-charity Xmas card shop until grandma duties took priority, and I helped found Newent & District U3A having been involved ever since. My top priority is to improve communication and engagement between the Town Council and the people who live and work in Newent and the surrounding area.
Juli Escritt

Cllr Juli Escritt



Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)
Specific Roles:
Emergency Planning Co-ordinators

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Newent Business Club/Liason, Newent Doctors/Paitent Discussion Group
Info to follow.
Julia Gooch

Cllr Mrs Julia Gooch

Chair (F&S) Chair (CLWG)

Telephone: 01531 821084


Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG), Cemetery Lodge Working Group (CLWG)
Specific Roles:
Quarterly Internal Checks, Dementia Awareness Representative, Armed Forces Covenant Lead

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Councillor Advocacy Scheme (OPCC), Parish & Town Council Association (GAPTC), Wye Valley & Forest of Dean Tourism Associasion
My 37 years as a local shop-keeper has enabled me to get to know the community. I have actively participated in many local causes, such as walking to raise funds for the RBL, helping to organise Bingo’s to raise funds for the Youth Football Club and assisting with refreshments at school events.I will always follow a task through to the end, no matter how challenging it might be. I like to listen to others points of view before making a decision and I like things to be managed properly. I am professional in my approach using the skills from my working life in finance, customer service, clerical and running family businesses to support my duties as a Councillor.
Edward Wood

Cllr Edward Wood

Deputy Mayor

Telephone: 01531 821090


Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)
Specific Roles:
Allotment (Inspections/Competition)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Newent Allotment Association
Info to follow.
Kay Selwin

Cllr Mrs Kay Selwyn

Telephone: 07807 159980


Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)
Specific Roles:
Snow & Flood Warden, Emergency Planning Co-ordinators

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Newnet Initiative Trust

I am proud to say I have lived in Newent most of my life, educated in the Newent schools and married a Newent boy.

It goes without saying I am incredibly proud of my children and their achievements, and also of the many children I have helped influence as they have journeyed through their primary years and beyond.

Apart from my full time commitment to leading safeguarding in schools I enjoy being involved with charity work and supporting community projects.

Our children are the future, they have fantastic vision and view ideas in a simplistic manner – we must listen to them more, learn from them and take time to connect.

View Register of Interests >>

Alan Hedley

Cllr Alan Hedley



Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG), Cemetery Lodge Working Group (CLWG)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Info to follow
Josh Robertson

Cllr Josh Robertson

Chair (CL) and Vice Chair (P&E)



Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG), Cemetery Lodge Working Group (CLWG)
Specific Roles:
Allotment (Inspections/Competition)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

FODDC Regeneration Representative, Forest Youth Association, Freedom Leisure Joint Users Group, Newent Allotment Association, Sound Music & art Community Association (SMART)
I am thrilled and feel very privileged and honoured to be able to begin my journey as a young councillor. If I was in the House of Commons I would be known as “Baby of the House!”- that’s just my humour!

Each of us has something special to offer our community and I am enthusiastic about bringing my contribution to the table. There are several responsibilities within the council and our community, and I am keen to actively engage in addressing them.

While I am currently studying for my degree in BSc Social Science at Royal Holloway, University of London. I am also continuing to oversee our children, young people and family initiatives at St. Mary’s Church and continuing with my contributions to the Diocese of Gloucester.

Newent, our vibrant community, is a place in which people come from all walks of life. A diversity in which we all embrace with open arms. We have a fantastic opportunity to bring them together to ensure our community is the best it can be- thriving and flourishing.

Clare Stone

Cllr Clare Stone

Telephone: 07766 496210


Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Newent Business Club/Liaison, Newent Fun Day
To follow

View Register of Interests >>

David Sass

Cllr Samuel Letchford

Vice Chair (CL)



Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG), Cemetery Lodge Working Group (CLWG)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Sound Music & art Community Association (SMART)

View Register of Interests >>

Linda Morris

Cllr Linda Morris



Finance & Staffing Committee (F&E), Planning & Environmental Committee (P&E), Christmas Light Committee (CL), Regeneration Working Group (RWG)

Representation on Outside Bodies:

Gloucestershire Market Town Forum, Newent Business Club/Liaison, Newent Fun Day, Sound Music & art Community Association (SMART)

View Register of Interests >>