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Newent town council logo

Please see below for more news from Newent Town Council…. 

New Daffodils Planted in the Arboretum


Thank you to the Aston Project, which gathered a group of 6 young people and 2 PCSOs at the
Arboretum to plant some daffodils along the top hedge. We can’t wait to see how they look
when they bloom!

Neighbourhood Development Plan

How should Newent develop? The Forest of Dean’s next Local Plan (Second Preferred Option) is out for consultation until 9th October. In this draft plan, which will cover the period until 2041, are proposals for at least 600 more houses in Newent.
This plan is in outline at present. It recognizes Newent’s need for more infrastructure, retail, employment opportunities, community buildings, access to transport and green spaces. It also acknowledges the importance of linking the new development to the historic town centre. However, the detail is lacking at this stage.
Newent’s own plan, the NDP, is there to give a voice to the people who live, work or study in Newent and to provide guidance to the planners as to local needs and wishes. Since the pre-Covid Public Consultation in October 2019, the Steering Group has been busy collecting more evidence in the form of surveys and from other sources. Soon the policy writing will start and there will be further public consultation to ask if members of the public agree with our findings.
If you care about Newent’s future, please come and talk to us. The NDP Steering Group meets every third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm and welcomes new members and volunteers from the community of Newent. Its membership includes town councillors and members of the community. The venue can vary so please contact for details. More information can be found on our website at: